Lack of energy is something that affects us all at some point - especially these days. Before the pandemic, the number of people who said they often felt tired was around 43%. During the pandemic, that number shot up to 60%! Pandemic or not, the truth is that many of our everyday habits can actually leave you feeling tired. Cut down on a few sneaky energy-zappers, and you’ll feel lighter in no time. 10 Things that Secretly Drain Your Energy
It’s not news that having a quality, restful sleep makes the next day that much better. Sleep affects your mood, how you respond to stress, your appetite, motivation, and even recovery time from illness or exercise. And with a few simple upgrades, you can go from an “okay” sleep to an amazing one, where you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Science Backed Tips for a Better SleepStreamline your bedtime routine with these tips from the National Institutes of Health:
In order to keep going after our dreams, we need to maintain our physical, mental, and emotional energy! And if you’ve been feeling sluggish in any of those areas, then this post is for you. I know that at one time or another, most women have been tempted to find the best way to detox as a way to boost their energy… and they come away with some strange detox diet that doesn’t sound healthy (it isn’t), or a “cleansing tea” that leaves them feeling physically depleted and gross. The best way to detox or cleanse in order to boost your energy isn’t about embracing a fad. Rather, I’m talking about cleaning up your body, mind, and environment so you can feel your best and take action every day toward your big dreams. And that sure feels a lot better than drinking cayenne pepper and lemon juice all week! Your Body Detoxes ItselfI’m going to ask you to do something a little strange right now. Ready? I want you to imagine your favorite, most decadent thing to eat. Maybe it’s a thick slice of rich chocolate cake … a slice of pizza dripping with cheese, hot from a brick oven … a buttery lobster ... or how about a juicy burger? Did your mouth start to water? You probably couldn’t tell, but your stomach actually started producing juices to digest those amazing foods.
If you ever doubted that if what you’re thinking about could have an impact on what happens in your gut … well, you just experienced the proof that it really does! And this brain-gut connection doesn’t only involve thoughts about food. Have you lost sleep over the past several weeks? A lot of people have – with all the uncertainty in the world with coronavirus concerns and everything related to it, it definitely can take its toll! I’ve got a blog post packed with sleep tips today – all tied in with something else that plays a big role in your health. It’s your gut … and it has a complicated relationship with the quality of your sleep. (Quick catch-up: Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria. Keeping the population of your “microbiome” in balance helps support your health & wellness, from your mood and brain to your heart and digestion!) Sleep is a two-way street when it comes to gut health.Has the coronavirus pandemic made you feel nervous, worried, or on edge? You might have had an uneasy feeling in your belly over it – and that’s because a big part of your stress response happens inside your gut. And it actually can impact your health and wellness! That stress response comes from your secret “second brain” that resides in your digestive tract. It’s called your enteric nervous system.It’s made up of layers of cells (more than 100 million of them) that line your gastrointestinal tract, all the way from your esophagus to your rectum. ![]() And what you eat can have a BIG impact on this entire system, and so can stress. Your “secret brain” communicates directly back-and-forth with the brain in your head through the “gut-brain axis.” This axis is an incredibly complex system involving hormones, nerves, body fluids, your immune system and more. Here’s where it gets interesting … In the midst of the Coronavirus right now, having a strong and healthy immune system is more important than ever! There are steps you can take to make yourself healthier, and I’ve got a great series that focuses on a super important part of your immune health: your gut! There has been a LOT of buzz about “gut health” lately … and for a very good reason.
Your gut health doesn’t affect just your digestion (although that’s super important) … but also your heart, your brain, your immune system, and even your mood. And with a global pandemic happening, it seems like a good time to focus even more on our overall wellness! You have about 100 trillion (!!!) microbes living in your gut right now. And there are about 1,000 different species of known gut bacteria.
This topic was in my queue for blog posts, but seems especially relevant in our current climate, with many people unsure of how concerned they need to be about the corona virus. Please understand that I'm not a doctor and am not giving medical advice. Please consult your doctor and use your own judgement to make any decisions about your health care!
Have you ever felt a sniffle coming on and wondered whether you should work out?
It can be so confusing to know if you should exercise if you’re feeling a bit under the weather. I’m going to explain a few rules of thumb, plus outline some easy things you can do to avoid spreading or catching any “bugs.”
Your body LOVES to move … right down to its smallest molecules! In fact, we’re wired for it … and your health depends on it. Here’s a shocking statistic for you: “In less than two generations, physical activity dropped by 20% in the U.K. and 32% in the U.S. In China, the drop is 45% in less than one generation.” - Over the next few weeks I’ll be talking about how important it really is to take care of your body and muscles … and this goes far beyond the results you see in the mirror when you workout!
Today, I’ve got a great mini-quiz to give yourself a check-up on how well you’re really doing with self-care ... and your answers may surprise you! February is all about the HEART. I mean, Valentine’s Day is tomorrow! Plus, in the US it also happens to be Heart Awareness month. As I've said before, it's really important to add our health into the equation of our success or lack thereof. With my High Performance Coaching clients we spend at least as much time on Energy that we do on Clarity, Influence, Courage, and Productivity. If you don't feel well, it's hard to perform well! Taking care of your heart is big...for everyone! Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and in many other countries around the world, including Australia and major parts of Europe. Here’s another statistic that’s super shocking. According to the American Heart Association, about 80% of all cardiovascular disease can be prevented. EIGHTY PERCENT!!!! That’s why this assessment is SO IMPORTANT.
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Women's Wellness Circle: Create Your Extraordinary Life AuthorHi, I’m Crystal! If you'd like to access my Farmer's Market Friday posts from 2018, click here!