"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." -- Lewis Carrol Before I start work with a client, whether it's one-on-one or in an online program, the very first thing we do is figure out is "why do you want to do this program or work on yourself?"
Without Clarity, you'll likely find yourself lacking energy, productivity, courage, and influence. These five were shown to be key traits of the most successful people in the world and maybe you don't aim to be among the most successful people in the world, but you probably have your own success you'd like to achieve. We're midway through the year, and you may have lost track of your goals completely, or they've shifted through the year.
Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple of days here in the United States. It's one of my favorite holidays because it's purpose is spending time with friends and family, eating a nice meal, and ideally expressing gratitude what we have in our lives. It's an innately positive experience, even when we factor in the family dynamics we might be dealing with. (-; While it's nice to have a day focused on expressing our gratitude, practicing gratitude on a daily basis has many positive effects, some of which you may surprise you. First, though, I'd like to give a little explanation about practicing gratitude, while understanding that it can take many different forms. What is a gratitude practice?
Awareness is the first step to battling chronic stress. Have you been living your life at the same frantic pace for so long that it feels normal for you?
Are your struggling with chronic stress?
These are all symptoms of chronic stress.
Commit to "A Quiet Space" in your life each day.Click above to join my Women's Wellness Circle: From Inflammation to Vibrant Health as we meditate for 20 minutes each day for 21 days, during Deepak and Oprah's 21 Day Meditation Experience: Shedding the Weight Mind Body and Spirit.PS. We're a nice group of women. 🙂 This article was originally posted on April 5, 2017. If you are newer to reading my weekly blog, you may not know that I travelled the world with my family for the 2016-17 school year. These are my thoughts on meditation, partly related to what I learned while traveling. Enjoy! We were wandering around the old town of Granada. It's fun to get lost in these old areas, because around each corner could be a beautiful square or church. It's hard not to be curious about what's inside, when standing outside a huge, thick, wooden door.
How often do most of us take time during the day to just be?I am going to warn you now, spirituality is a big topic, so I'll write about some generalities at the beginning, but then I'm going to tell you a lot about my spiritual journey through ten months of traveling the world with my family. It's fun and I feel like my view of my spirituality changed quite a bit in that period of time. I'm sure if you contemplate your own spiritual path, you'll find that it has also changed through the years. The important part to remember is that, we are changeable and unique and what one person may consider spirituality can be very different from another's. And that's okay! We all have different backgrounds, different stories, and different lives. I think that evolving and growing is the important part on an individual basis. Why is spirituality important?Here in the US, we are coming up on Thanksgiving. It's a nice holiday because we get to share food with family and friends, without the extra burden of giving gifts and other more materialistic pastimes. We are able to give thanks for what we have in our lives, in other words, we express our gratitude. While it's nice to have a day focused on expressing our gratitude, practicing gratitude on a daily basis has many positive effects, some of which you may surprise you. What is a gratitude practice?A gratitude practice is simply taking time every day to express gratitude for the blessings in your life. These blessings are often overlooked if we don't consciously take the time to count them. What happens when we practice gratitude?DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY!This is the first in a series of posts on how to get started in moving towards better health and well-being, but first I think the right attitude is important, or you may get frustrated and quit. Or, you'll decide changing those habits isn't really isn't very fun, or worth it, which also results in abandoning the whole idea. Do you feel like you're being told what not to do more than what to do?Do you know people who are so busy protecting themselves from anything deemed unhealthy or toxic, that they're completely stressed out?
Let go of being something you're not!
I love the doshas, because once you get a good idea of your type, you can let go of being something you’re not.
For example, if you are primarily kapha, you probably aren’t going to be thin as a rail. You can, however, learn how to bring yourself into balance.
Not only that, but by learning about the other doshas you can see that the grass isn’t necessarily greener on the other side.
Also, like I wrote about in my last post, it helps to understand the doshas of those closest to you.
Usually you have a primary dosha and a secondary dosha.
There are good tests on the internet that can help you figure out your doshas. The recommendation is usually to think of yourself as you were when you were a child when you answer the questions. Life and circumstances can skew you away from your true doshas. Also, an experienced ayurvedic practitioner can tell your doshas by reading your pulse. Temperaments, doshas and personality types.
I’ve been talking a lot about relationships in the past few blog posts, probably because I’ve been traveling with my family for the last six and a half weeks. We are living in close quarters most of the time and we all have some fire to our personalities. So we don't always have an easy time of it.
I’ve found that knowing and understanding more about my general tendencies and the tendencies of those around me, helps me to be more patient and get along.
There are many different philosophies around personality types. I’m going to give a brief rundown of the three that I am most familiar with, and then go more into depth on each in the coming weeks. This post is going to be wordier than my others, but I think it’s helpful information. |
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Women's Wellness Circle: Create Your Extraordinary Life AuthorHi, I’m Crystal! If you'd like to access my Farmer's Market Friday posts from 2018, click here!