Granted it was really nice for both of my kids to be in one place for awhile.
I can see why they would want to stay at home. But, having the kids spending a bunch of that time on a computer or ipad did not sit well with me.
So, when we flew to Ecuador for a month, we left computers in Bogota.
I still had to use my phone for making our travel plans, which lead inevitably to checking email and Facebook, but I couldn´t really do anything productive like write my blog.
Honestly, Ecuador was rewarding, but it was also hard.
I can´t say leaving the computers behind was a complete success.
I felt like I still spent too much time on my phone, making travel arrangements and getting distracted. My daughter had her iPod for a little more than half the trip (we took it away in the Galapagos as a disciplinary action). My son would still beg to use my husband's phone because it has the home design application on it.
So, what is the deal with technology?
Why can it be unhealthy? Is it possible to strike a healthy balance? The pros of using technology.
The cons of using technology.
Pick the strategies that work for you. Not everyone has the same sticking points.
Purge yourself of unnecessary electronic equipment.
This approach can apply to entire devices all the way down to the apps on your phone. Take time to be critical about which electronics you use with regularity. Even eliminating half the apps on your phone narrows down your electronic clutter. It can lighten your mental load, even if you don’t stop using your phone altogether.
Reach out to friends in person or through a phone call.
One easy break you can take from technology is to reach out to your friends personally whenever you need support. Most of us will just text when we want to communicate, but taking some time to call or meet in person can create welcome break from electronic communication.
Give yourself “breaks” for 1-2 days.
You don’t have to give up your electronics for a very long time if you’re not ready to do so. Just take the weekend off, or stop at a certain time after work. Over time, you may even find these breaks to be addictive!
Power off three hours before bedtime.
This last strategy is the most important for me. I´m pre-menopausal and sleep has not been a given for the last six or seven years. I will do practically anything to maintain good sleep habits. I need all the help I can get! I also feel like this one can be the most important for your relationships! Have you ever attempted a digital detox?
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Women's Wellness Circle: Create Your Extraordinary Life AuthorHi, I’m Crystal! If you'd like to access my Farmer's Market Friday posts from 2018, click here!