Are you ready to create a lifestyle that enables you to reach your current and future health goals?
Do any of these sound like you?
- You want to feel better, physically and mentally.
- You have trouble staying on track with your wellness plan (or don't have a plan at all).
- Your approach to health and wellness is all or nothing.
- You're frustrated by middle aged weight gain.
- You want to fit more exercise into your life.
- You want to manage your stress better.
- You feel there's so much information out there, you don't even know where to start or you are running in a million different directions so you don't stick with anything!
When was the last time you talked with someone about your health and received the personal attention you deserve?
Have you been wanting to:
- set and accomplish goals.
- explore new foods.
- understand and reduce cravings
- increase energy.
- feel better in your body.
- improve personal relationships
Do you want to approach your health and well-being in a step-by-step, sustainable way?
The first time I remember being interested in health was in my seventh grade health class.
We were given these brochure type handouts that had quick healthy breakfast recipes. The one I remember was a breakfast "shake." The term "smoothie" hadn't been invented yet. If I remember right, the ingredients were orange juice, whole oats, and a raw egg thrown in the blender. Ahh, my new favorite breakfast.
Later, when I was putting myself through college working restaurant jobs, I landed a nice job where I could show up even when the restaurant was closed to make myself a meal. I wasn't the only one who would show up, my health conscious boss would have amaranth cereal and fresh berries available, or we would use leftover vegetables and rice, add a ton of chopped garlic and make a stir fry.
A few years later, I had a roommate that was all about vegetable juicing. I drank a lot of vegetable juice in those years.
I started racing triathlons and racing bikes during college as well.
On the surface, I seemed pretty healthy.
I was hungry all the time. I ate some good stuff, I didn't hold back on the not so good stuff either. After all, I exercised all the time. I should be able to eat whatever I wanted. Right?
It was always a mystery to me that I could be exercising hours and hours a day and still hang on to my "baby fat."
We were given these brochure type handouts that had quick healthy breakfast recipes. The one I remember was a breakfast "shake." The term "smoothie" hadn't been invented yet. If I remember right, the ingredients were orange juice, whole oats, and a raw egg thrown in the blender. Ahh, my new favorite breakfast.
Later, when I was putting myself through college working restaurant jobs, I landed a nice job where I could show up even when the restaurant was closed to make myself a meal. I wasn't the only one who would show up, my health conscious boss would have amaranth cereal and fresh berries available, or we would use leftover vegetables and rice, add a ton of chopped garlic and make a stir fry.
A few years later, I had a roommate that was all about vegetable juicing. I drank a lot of vegetable juice in those years.
I started racing triathlons and racing bikes during college as well.
On the surface, I seemed pretty healthy.
I was hungry all the time. I ate some good stuff, I didn't hold back on the not so good stuff either. After all, I exercised all the time. I should be able to eat whatever I wanted. Right?
It was always a mystery to me that I could be exercising hours and hours a day and still hang on to my "baby fat."
A few years later, I had my first baby.
Then she grew old enough to want what I was eating.
Hmmm, maybe the daily stop at the local bakery to relax, have a coffee, and a baked good wasn't such a great idea now that she wanted the cookies or banana bread too. And don't forget the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream at night before bed.
All of a sudden, I realized that I was going to have to cut back on the sugary treats. I have one smart cookie of a daughter and if there was a treat in the house, she was going to find it.
As I stopped eating sugary foods, I realized that I wasn't hungry all the time. I could go longer between meals.
My blood sugar wasn't going way up and then crashing.
Fast forward another few years. My second child, a son, was six years old, about to enter first grade. I was about fifteen pounds above my pre-motherhood weight.
I figured that was just my new weight.
Then she grew old enough to want what I was eating.
Hmmm, maybe the daily stop at the local bakery to relax, have a coffee, and a baked good wasn't such a great idea now that she wanted the cookies or banana bread too. And don't forget the Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream at night before bed.
All of a sudden, I realized that I was going to have to cut back on the sugary treats. I have one smart cookie of a daughter and if there was a treat in the house, she was going to find it.
As I stopped eating sugary foods, I realized that I wasn't hungry all the time. I could go longer between meals.
My blood sugar wasn't going way up and then crashing.
Fast forward another few years. My second child, a son, was six years old, about to enter first grade. I was about fifteen pounds above my pre-motherhood weight.
I figured that was just my new weight.
Then, just before my son was going to start 1st grade, he was diagnosed with a bone infection in his femur (osteomyelitis).
It took a scary five days to figure out what it was. The doctors put him on a heavy duty course of antibiotics. Thank god for antibiotics when you need them.
He was able to start school, but he wasn't supposed to play at recess or PE.
The bone could still be soft and could be damaged if he were to hit it on something (highly likely for a six year old boy). Otherwise, all was good.
Then he came off the antibiotics and seemed like a different kid.
He seemed to have regressed and seemed to be in fight or flight mode when he was at school. In other words his behavior went downhill fast.
So the next seven or eight months was spent trying to figure it out.
I was giving him tons of probiotics and he was going to therapy and anything we could think of.
In the end, what seemed to make the biggest difference was a diet called the Feingold diet.
It's a combination of eliminating any possible artificial flavors, dyes, smells, preservatives. No chemical additives. Also, eliminating certain salicylate containing foods. That was the hard part because the salicylate containing foods were generally healthy, whole foods. For example, berries, apples, tomatoes, stone fruits...and there we were headed into summer.
We tried it, though and I also abstained from those foods to be supportive.
The rest of the family ate what they wanted when they were away from the house.
It really worked for him, the boy I knew came back.
Still feisty, but able to be in a classroom without being disruptive. And he was happy!
The surprising thing was that I lost my extra weight without even thinking about it.
It was so fascinating to me, that when an opportunity to study integrative nutrition at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition came up, I jumped on it.
I wanted to help other people find the right combination of diet, exercise, and of course find balance it with their families, relationships, careers, finances, spirituality, and home lives.
It took a scary five days to figure out what it was. The doctors put him on a heavy duty course of antibiotics. Thank god for antibiotics when you need them.
He was able to start school, but he wasn't supposed to play at recess or PE.
The bone could still be soft and could be damaged if he were to hit it on something (highly likely for a six year old boy). Otherwise, all was good.
Then he came off the antibiotics and seemed like a different kid.
He seemed to have regressed and seemed to be in fight or flight mode when he was at school. In other words his behavior went downhill fast.
So the next seven or eight months was spent trying to figure it out.
I was giving him tons of probiotics and he was going to therapy and anything we could think of.
In the end, what seemed to make the biggest difference was a diet called the Feingold diet.
It's a combination of eliminating any possible artificial flavors, dyes, smells, preservatives. No chemical additives. Also, eliminating certain salicylate containing foods. That was the hard part because the salicylate containing foods were generally healthy, whole foods. For example, berries, apples, tomatoes, stone fruits...and there we were headed into summer.
We tried it, though and I also abstained from those foods to be supportive.
The rest of the family ate what they wanted when they were away from the house.
It really worked for him, the boy I knew came back.
Still feisty, but able to be in a classroom without being disruptive. And he was happy!
The surprising thing was that I lost my extra weight without even thinking about it.
It was so fascinating to me, that when an opportunity to study integrative nutrition at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition came up, I jumped on it.
I wanted to help other people find the right combination of diet, exercise, and of course find balance it with their families, relationships, careers, finances, spirituality, and home lives.
We can't experience true well-being if we aren't in balance.
No one diet works for everyone.
Not only that, why call it a diet? If you find the foods that make you feel your best so that you want to make other lifestyle changes, that's not going to feel restrictive, it's going to feel expansive. When most people try to make diet and lifestyle changes, they get frustrated, and often don't see results. The latest fad "diet" changes every year. First it's no eggs or red meat to keep your cholesterol down. Then it's low carb diets, with high protein, then it's fat free, then it's gluten free, then it's Paleo. Really, it gets confusing really fast! The bottom line is that what works for one person, doesn't necessarily work for another. We all have different genetics, activity levels, etc. What may have been fine in your 20's and 30's isn't necessarily going to work when you're in your 40's, 50's and 60's. By working together, we can discover food and lifestyle choices that best support you! Not only that, in a supportive group environment, you have an even higher likelyhood of reaching your goals. |
Imagine what your life would be like if you had clear thinking, energy, and excitement every day!
I want to help you live in energized and passionate life.
Life really is too short to live any other kind of life!
I can help you gradually discover the food and lifestyle changes that best support you!
I'm not a crazy fitness nut, that doesn't understand that life isn't black and white. Being restrictive usually backfires. Who wants to live like that? Not me! Probably not you, either!
Making step-by-step, gradual changes, takes the overwhelm out of the equation.
Improving your health and well-being should be fun!
Yes, you could do it by yourself. With enough trial and error you probably can figure out what's best for your particular constitution.
Will you need to spend time developing your new lifestyle?
Yes, it does take time. Our lives aren't getting less busy. They always seem like they should, but they never really do.
I thought I would have more time when the kids were in school. No. With after school activities, school schedules and volunteer responsibilities, it just got busier.
Now that my oldest is a teenager, it seemed like I would have more time. No, I'm now driving her to babysitting jobs, to the movies and helping her with homework at nine o'clock at night when I want to be done for the day.
I'm sure there's another kind of busyness that awaits me when they're off at college...
The truth is we don't know how much time we have on this earth, why not spend it well.
We can't do that if we don't feel well.
Life really is too short to live any other kind of life!
I can help you gradually discover the food and lifestyle changes that best support you!
I'm not a crazy fitness nut, that doesn't understand that life isn't black and white. Being restrictive usually backfires. Who wants to live like that? Not me! Probably not you, either!
Making step-by-step, gradual changes, takes the overwhelm out of the equation.
Improving your health and well-being should be fun!
Yes, you could do it by yourself. With enough trial and error you probably can figure out what's best for your particular constitution.
Will you need to spend time developing your new lifestyle?
Yes, it does take time. Our lives aren't getting less busy. They always seem like they should, but they never really do.
I thought I would have more time when the kids were in school. No. With after school activities, school schedules and volunteer responsibilities, it just got busier.
Now that my oldest is a teenager, it seemed like I would have more time. No, I'm now driving her to babysitting jobs, to the movies and helping her with homework at nine o'clock at night when I want to be done for the day.
I'm sure there's another kind of busyness that awaits me when they're off at college...
The truth is we don't know how much time we have on this earth, why not spend it well.
We can't do that if we don't feel well.
We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to be the best versions of ourselves!
During the course of this program you will:
- set and accomplish goals.
- explore new foods.
- understand and reduce cravings
- increase energy.
- feel better in your body.
- improve personal relationships
Why should I join a group program?
You get a personal support system -- group coaching gives you the opportunity to share your experience with others and develop deeper connections, making your sessions more meaningful. Knowing you're not alone on your journey will help you develop the confidence and motivation to address your challenges and succeed.
You'll have a higher likely hood of achieving your goals -- You're much more likely to stick to your gym routine if you have a buddy, right? The same applies to group coaching. When individuals are part of a group, they procrastinate less, accomplish more, and reach their goals faster.
Benefit from collective wisdom -- You'll brainstorm solutions, open creativity channels, and uncover opportunities you may not have discovered working solo. Have you ever been in a study group where you've learned from a classmate who gets it? Other group members help you master new concepts like a pro!
Gain a New Perspective -- When you work alone, you examine situations from only one perspective -- yours. But when you work in a group, you're exposed to a variety of insights that empower you to see a situation from multiple angles and motivate you to develop new solutions. Ever get a precious nugget of advice from a really hones friend that you just couldn't see on your own? It's like that.
It's a Great Value -- Get the same quality coaching, but at the fraction of the cost of individual coaching. Group coaching is a smart and affordable way to receive top notch guidance.
You Have a Team Invested in Your Success -- When you work in a group, the whole team celebrates your success. Just like when a hockey player scores as goal, resulting in a win for the entire team. In this case no ice skates are required...and you can keep your teeth!
Turn Work Into Play -- It's more fun to go out to dinner with friends than by yourself, right? Working with a group is a social event that participants look forward to. You'll join a close-knit gourd that is energizing, motivating, and most of all -- fun! Group members often become life long friends.
You'll have a higher likely hood of achieving your goals -- You're much more likely to stick to your gym routine if you have a buddy, right? The same applies to group coaching. When individuals are part of a group, they procrastinate less, accomplish more, and reach their goals faster.
Benefit from collective wisdom -- You'll brainstorm solutions, open creativity channels, and uncover opportunities you may not have discovered working solo. Have you ever been in a study group where you've learned from a classmate who gets it? Other group members help you master new concepts like a pro!
Gain a New Perspective -- When you work alone, you examine situations from only one perspective -- yours. But when you work in a group, you're exposed to a variety of insights that empower you to see a situation from multiple angles and motivate you to develop new solutions. Ever get a precious nugget of advice from a really hones friend that you just couldn't see on your own? It's like that.
It's a Great Value -- Get the same quality coaching, but at the fraction of the cost of individual coaching. Group coaching is a smart and affordable way to receive top notch guidance.
You Have a Team Invested in Your Success -- When you work in a group, the whole team celebrates your success. Just like when a hockey player scores as goal, resulting in a win for the entire team. In this case no ice skates are required...and you can keep your teeth!
Turn Work Into Play -- It's more fun to go out to dinner with friends than by yourself, right? Working with a group is a social event that participants look forward to. You'll join a close-knit gourd that is energizing, motivating, and most of all -- fun! Group members often become life long friends.
- A Special Members Area containing all of your materials.
- Lifetime Access to the Wellness Transformation Group Program (along with all future updates.)
- (Twelve) 75-minute online group coaching workshops spread over six months.
- Recordings of all classes in case you missed it or would like to watch it again.
- Handouts, worksheets, recipes, and practical tools and strategies.
- Weekly email reminders and motivations.
Plus, these bonuses:
- A private Facebook group.
- Facebook Live Q&A sessions.
- Two recorded yoga instruction videos added to the Member Area each month, along with explanation of all yoga poses presented. (30-minutes and 60-minute)
Plus, These Founding Member Benefits!
(Only 25 Founding Members being accepted)!
- Small Group Size
- Content will be adapted to members.
- Lots of individual attention!
- Access to members area for the life of the program (with all future updates)!
- Low cost (the price will never be this low again.)
Join the Wellness Transformation
Premium Program
And You'll Get:
Everything included in the Group Program,
- A 60-minute personal coaching session each month.
- Handouts, worksheets, recipes and practical tools and strategies just for you.
- Email or messenger support Monday through Friday during business hours.